My Endo Action Plan {Part 4}

My Endo Action Plan {Part 4} Feature Image

This post was originally published on April 9, 2018 and republished on May 3, 2021.

We’ve been talking endometriosis…a lot. Let’s recap, shall we?

In “Just a Girl with Killer Cramps,” I disclosed my recent diagnosis of stage IV endometriosis with you. I shared the symptoms I’ve experienced over the years and I discussed what endometriosis is and why it is so critical to spread awareness in order for more young women to get diagnosed sooner.

Trying for Baby…with Endometriosis” uncovered some of the deeper emotional scars endometriosis has created for me, especially as Wildland Man and I are so desperately praying for, hoping for, and trying for a baby.

And, finally, the last few weeks have focused on My Endo Action Plan. We talked nutrition. Specifically, real, whole, and anti-inflammatory foods that show promise in being able to heal endometriosis naturally. And we’ve talked fitness, faith, and marriage. We’ve covered the full spectrum of what it means to shift into a healing lifestyle.

In this final post of the Endo Awareness Series on Country Wife Chronicles I’m sharing with you the last of my ideas when it comes to My Endo Action Plan.

Let’s wrap things up, ok?

An Endo-Fighting Team

So far this Endo Action Plan of mine has been all about what I can do to set my body up for success in fighting endometriosis. And while I’m learning that there is definitely a thing or two I can do, I know that I can’t go about this all alone. It is important to have a support network surrounding me in this journey.

Wildland Man, and my closest friends and family, are my sounding board on the bad days. They pick me up when I’m wallowing. My support network encourages me with the changes I’m working on instead of questioning me, because they know how important it is to me. This crew, the ones I’ve had the courage to let in on this journey, they get it. They understand without having to say a word.

I’m blessed to have friends that are walking this endo and/or infertility road with me. I’m blessed to have loved ones physically present when I need them to be. And I’m blessed to have those that are sending up prayers on my behalf.

My dear, loving friends and family, if you are reading this, I hope you know how grateful I am to have you on my side through all of this. Thank you. I couldn’t bear to go this alone and I’m grateful you are here to play a supportive role in my life when I need you to.

As I’ve committed to improving my health in order to help heal endometriosis in my body, I’ve realized that this is a whole body, whole health commitment.

Aside from a support network made up of family and friends, I’ve also been considering adding to my medical team moving forward. I currently have all the basics covered: an optometrist, a dentist, and my OB/GYN, who also serves as my primary care doctor. Since being diagnosed with endo, I now also have a reproductive endocrinologist on my team.

A Growing Team

When I was diagnosed with endometriosis, I wasn’t quite sure what to do next. But I felt compelled to learn more about it, to learn more about my body and my health. And while the doctors I’ve worked with thus far have been professional and helpful, they don’t know my body like I do. So, yes, I’ll trust their professional opinion, but I’m going to choose to surround myself with the best team possible. And in my research I’ve found a few additions worth considering:

  • Therapist: These past few months have been heavy. I am so incredibly fortunate to have an approachable and understanding husband in Wildland Man. He keeps me calm and patiently walks me through my emotions. But I know it hasn’t been easy on him. I haven’t been easy on him. I can feel myself taking out my underlying stress on him. I’ve witnessed my frustrations and anxiety impact our relationship. And this is how I know it may be time to seek out some professional help on this journey.
  • Acupuncture: Those three endometriosis books I shared with you earlier all mentioned acupuncture as beneficial to endometriosis patients, both in reducing stress and in assisting with pain relief. Plus, I’ve read several an article that links acupuncture to improved fertility. I feel like this is a no-brainer, though I’m a bit uncomfortable with the idea, I think it’s definitely worth looking into.
  • Functional Medicine Practitioner: The nutritional aspects of My Endo Action Plan can get overwhelming. There are so many supplements to sort through, a variety of meal plans to choose from, and I just don’t know enough to make a truly customizable, individualized plan for myself and my health moving forward. That is where functional medicine comes in. In this holistic practice, tests can be run to find out what my body specifically needs in supplementation and in which foods to avoid. So even though I’m a DIY-er at heart, I think it might be time to get a doctor on board that can help me navigate these waters.
  • Chiropractor: I’ve been to a chiropractor once in my life. It was after I threw out my back. And while the treatments helped, I also felt like a freightliner had just hit me. Every part of my body was sore. So, yeah, I’ve been holding off on chiropractic care. Wildland Man goes regularly and swears by it. I know my body is out of whack after these past two surgeries, the associated bed rest, and reduced abdominal strength…my back is weak, I feel it. And I don’t want to throw it out again, so for that reason alone I think I’m ready to give chiropractic care another chance.

Empowered Endo Warriors

In closing out this Endo Awareness Series, I want to send you off with a message of empowerment.

I hope that I was able to fully reveal what endometriosis looks and feels like from the inside. Not because I want to be a victim. I refuse to let endometriosis define who I am as a woman.

But I do want to empower others with real awareness of what endometriosis is. And in that empowerment through knowledge, I am also hoping to help change the narrative. Because we aren’t endo sufferers. We are endo warriors.

Yes, endometriosis is chronically painful, even debilitating. Yes, it can delay or take away dreams. The fatigue is real. The cramps are intense. The migraines are incapacitating. The symptoms…well, they suck.

But, endometriosis is NOT a death sentence. I am fully aware of that fact. I have and can continue to learn to live with endometriosis. Though there is no known cure, there are legit studies that reflect the changes I can make in my lifestyle to help reduce my symptoms and even heal from endometriosis.

This knowledge…it’s empowering.

I have the ability to change the outcome. I can remove inflammatory foods from my diet and lessen my symptoms. I can swap out my bath and beauty products and reduce my toxic load to give my body a better chance at fending off endometriosis growth. I can surround myself with medical professionals that can improve how endo impacts my daily life.

We can be warriors in the battle to bring endometriosis awareness to the world.

Thank you for allowing me to share my story in a safe place over these past few weeks in order to bring more awareness to endometriosis.

In sharing my story, maybe just one person with similar symptoms will get diagnosed. Maybe in your sharing of a graphic on Facebook a friend of a friend was able to find solace in relating to someone else out there that feels her pain. Perhaps your eyes were opened to your teenage daughter’s endo symptoms and you are now seeking out the medical attention she deserves. Or you may have connected with the very real pain and struggle of trying to get pregnant without success. We can unite in our sorrow and in our hope.

This writing experience has been so much harder than I expected. And yet, cathartically healing.

I decided just a couple months ago that I wanted to share this part of my story here on the blog. I wanted to help spread awareness for earlier diagnosis of endometriosis. I sought connection to others feeling the same pain I’m feeling. And, in the end, I desired to bring glory to my God, to Jesus, through my story.

As I sat down to write these posts, my raw emotions poured out as I typed. Pain I thought I had overcome resurfaced. Fears I had tucked away came sneaking back in.

I swore to myself that I would be authentic in sharing this part of my life. Because I don’t want to be so vague that anyone searching for connection wouldn’t be able to find it. I don’t want to be so on-the-surface that I don’t do justice to anyone else’s infertility struggles or endometriosis story.

But opening up my heart and soul, being so utterly raw, it hasn’t been easy.

I put on my brave face to write these posts. And when that courage seemed distant, I searched for His promises. I would take a deep breath, say a quick prayer, and finish strong, knowing that He that is living in me…He is greater than the world and greater than my fears. His grace gave me the strength and courage to share my story…for His glory.

If you are a fellow endo warrior reading this post, can I just take a moment to encourage you? If you haven’t yet found your peace and love and redemption in our Father, will you seek Him out?

Because if I had to say the ONE THING that has gotten me through…it’s Him. It’s always going to be Jesus.

I so desperately want everyone that I know and love to experience His love. And I pray that those suffering a similar pain can find their hope in Him. Because His plan is greater than ours. Your pain has a purpose. My weakness can be my greatest strength.


Country Wife Chronicles is reader-supported. When you buy through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission.

As you have probably discovered with previous posts in this series, I am excited to share that I was able to contribute to a multi-author book collaboration entitled (In)Fertility: Secrets, Struggles, & Succeses. This experience has been one for the books and I am incredibly blessed to be able to share my story for His glory at a larger level with this book. 

This book makes no promises of quick fixes or universal cure-alls. Stories of miracles, like my own, are shared, but I recognize that it doesn’t always work out that way for everyone. The one thing this book does promise is to hold space for anyone who is coming to this book while they are walking the valley of infertility. Because that valley is scary, hard, and isolating.

If you are interested in learning more, click the graphic to purchase today!

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Be Still & Know…

 the Country Wife signature for the Country Wife Chronicles blog




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DISCLAIMER: While I make every effort to share current and correct information here on Country Wife Chronicles, I am not an expert on endometriosis and I am still learning. I am simply sharing my story and the resources I’ve found to be helpful in this journey I am on. I welcome any comments, suggestions, or correction of errors. In reading this blog, you agree to not use this material as medical advice to treat any condition in either yourself or others. Consult your own physician for any medical issues that you may be experiencing.

2 thoughts on “My Endo Action Plan {Part 4}

  1. I just want to hug you! You are so brave and strong! My faith is strong and I believe that a baby is coming! Y’all will be great parents with so much love to give! God’s plan.

    1. You know I love your hugs, Laura! And I hope you know that I was absolutely referring to you when I mentioned, “I’m blessed to have loved ones physically present when I need them to be. And I’m blessed to have those that are sending up prayers on my behalf.” Thank you for being here, every step of the way. Love you!

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