Living the Fire Life

Living the Fire Life at Country Wife Chronicles

I never would have imagined this life for us…ten years post-college and we are both pursuing our dreams, a little delayed perhaps, but here we are chasing the fire life.

As you may have gathered by now, I refer to my hubby as Wildland Man…not so long ago we were high school teachers working in the same building and same department. Now I’m attempting the blogging thing and Wildland Man is, well, all about wildland fire.  You can read more about our journey here.

This career change has come with some adjustments to what we were used to before, and a few major moves across the country; definitely some sacrifices along the way…but it’s been an adventure, a whole new world of exploration and learning. It is a life worth living and a life that is uniquely ours.

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Who is the Country Wife?

Who is the Country Wife?

Country Wife Chronicles is a blog that documents the journey of a country wife seeking to savor the stillness of a simple country life…but who exactly is the Country Wife?

Ok, that statement sounds a little like “How much wood could a wood chuck chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood?” But I think you get where I’m going here…

So, grab yourself some coffee and peruse the pages of this blog and you’ll find out just who the Country Wife is.

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The Country Wife Recommends…Christian Marriage Resources

the Country Wife Recommends

With Valentine’s Day upon us, I thought it might be a good time to share some of my favorite Christian marriage resources with y’all. Personally, I tend to find myself reevaluating my marriage whenever this romantic holiday comes along; I’ll catch myself daydreaming of the early days and taking stock of just how far we’ve come in our relationship and in life.

So, as you are planning a romantic evening for two or writing out a cute V-Day card to your hubby, take a moment to browse through some of these books and focus a little TLC on your marriage. It’ll be the best Valentine’s Day gift you could give, or receive for that matter!

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5 Ways to be Intentional in your Marriage Today

5 ways to be intentional in your marriage today at Country Wife Chronicles

First of all, let me just say that I do not claim to be a marriage expert. But I do have strong views about how being intentional in marriage can benefit any relationship. Because I’ve lived it…this is how I purposefully construct my marriage with Wildland Man. But I certainly won’t lie to you and tell you that what we have is perfection. Because it is not. But I keep going back to the intentionality in our relationship as one of the major contributing factors to our growing and ever-changing love for one another.

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Choosing an Intentional Marriage

Choosing an Intentional Marriage at Country Wife Chronicles

I was not raised with an example of a faith-founded marriage. It was something I chose for myself.

I discovered my faith at a fairly young age and my parents didn’t discourage me in my own personal faith walk. I feel blessed that God chose to put it on my heart to trust in Him in finding a spouse and building my marriage on a foundation of faith from such a young age. I guarded my heart, I prayed for a God-chosen spouse, and I waited patiently.

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Mexi-Style Breakfast Hash

mexi style breakfast hash at Country Wife Chronicles

When Wildland Man is away and my motivation is lacking in the kitchen, I find that a nice big-batch meal is ideal. I work my magic, or lack there of, in the kitchen once for a whole lot of pay out, and then I have leftovers on hand throughout the week to reach for when I’m not wanting to make anything new. Which happens a lot. I’ve mentioned my issues with this before, right? 

This breakfast hash is the perfect big-batch dish—it is so savory and yummy that I can honestly eat it for any meal of the day—not just breakfast.

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Energy Bites

Homemade Energy Bites at Country Wife Chronicles

Wildland Man is the cook in our household. I know, I’m a lucky one. I can cook if I have to, but my hubs loves it, so I do the baking and he does the cooking. It’s a solid arrangement we have and I relish in it…until Wildland Man leaves to fight fires, but I guess that’s just part of “Living the Fire Life.” Then I’m left to fend for myself in the kitchen. When I’m a household of one in Wildland Man’s absence, let’s just say my meals usually leave a little something to be desired.

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