Marriage & Infertility

Marriage & Infertility Feature Image

This post was originally published on April 16, 2018 and republished on May 17, 2021.

Wildland Man and I’ve been struggling with infertility for a few years now. I suppose this journey we’re on authorizes me to speak to the toll infertility can take on a marriage.

Because infertility is definitely a couples’ thing. When you are trying for a family, it doesn’t matter if the infertility can be pinpointed to one individual or not, the process of being able to conceive and carry your own child is something you deal with together.

And let’s be real, this marriage thing, it’s tough.

It’s quite possibly one of the hardest things you’ll ever do in life. It’s a constant ebb and flow of putting another’s needs in front of your own, setting aside your own selfish desires over and over again. It’s serving one another, building each other up, and encouraging instead of discouraging. It’s choosing forgiveness in anger. It’s loving through the hard times.

And infertility, well, it can make all of that…just so much harder.

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Wife on Fire Challenge {Week 4}: Support & Encouragement for Wives on Fire

Wife on Fire 2018 {Week 4} Feature Image

Wow, I need to take a moment to express my gratitude for all of the Wives on Fire that have joined in on this year’s challenge. Thank you for being a participant in Country Wife Chronicles second annual Wife on Fire Challenge!

Regardless of if you’ve breezed through the past four weeks or if you’ve struggled to get each week’s task accomplished, you have made it to the end. You have reached the final week of the Wife on Fire Challenge!

However, just because this month-long challenge we’ve had going on over here at CWC is coming to an end, that doesn’t need to mean that its time for you to stop being a Wife on Fire. My hope is that the Wife on Fire Challenge inspires and encourages you all to reignite the flames in your marriages all year long, just until you need another dose of encouragement this time next year! 🙂

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Wife on Fire Challenge {Week 3}: A Marriage on Fire

Wife on Fire 2018 {Week 3} Feature Image

If you participated in last year’s Wife on Fire Challenge, then you have a pretty good idea of what it means to be a Wife on Fire. And if you’ve been following along here on the blog for any length of time recently, then you know how passionate I am about intentional marriage and making the effort when it comes to strengthening your marriage into a Marriage on Fire.

We have reached the halfway point of this year’s Wife on Fire Challenge—two weeks down, two to go. Here’s what we’ve covered so far:

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Wife on Fire Challenge {Week 2}: Love Unconditionally

Wife on Fire 2018 {Week 2} Feature Image

The Wife on Fire Challenge is all about creating and strengthening a faith-founded and grounded marriage.

With that thought in mind, we took some time to select a Marriage Mission Verse last week. This week we are going to look to the greatest example of love, God, to show us what unconditional love looks like.

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Wife on Fire Challenge {Week 1}: Marriage Mission Verse

Wife on Fire Challenge 2018 Feature Image {Week 1}

What does it mean to be a Wife on Fire?

Well, for a much, much deeper meaning behind the meaning of a Wife on Fire, you may want to check out last year’s post. Let’s just say I got a little dictionary happy. 🙂

However, here we are kicking off our second annual Wife on Fire Challenge and I think it’s important to know what you are getting yourself into.

So, first of all, if you are here reading this blog post on the topic of the Wife on Fire Challenge, I’m gonna say there’s a decent chance you fulfill the role of a wife.

But, are you a Wife on Fire?

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Reigniting the Fire with Intentionality

Reigniting the Fire with Intentionality Feature Image

How do you reignite the passion in your marriage?

With all that Wildland Man and I’ve been through lately, I can sometimes feel like the passionate love that brought us together is a bit lacking. Now, don’t get me wrong, my love hasn’t faded, in fact I’d say it’s definitely grown deeper over the years.

And in the trial of infertility we currently find ourselves in, I’ve honestly never felt closer to the man I married. I feel deeply and intimately connected to him.

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Marriage on Fire

Marriage on Fire Feature Image / Wife on Fire Challenge 2018

Ok, y’all, in the interest of being fully transparent, I have to admit to you that this week’s post was a hard one to get up on the blog.

Not because it needed extra creativity or photo and graphic work done. Not because it was emotionally draining to put into words. Not because the topic was super technical or difficult to explain.

Nope, none of those more obvious reasons at all.

The reason this post was difficult for me to get published can be attributed to one thing: anxiety.

And, no, not anxiety about this particular post…just general, somewhat debilitating, anxiety.

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‘Tis Fire Season

Tis Fire Season Feature Image

Well, y’all, fire season is officially upon us. Wildland Man just got home from a long detail away and I’ve been hearing from other fire wives out there seeking encouragement in the trenches.

So, I thought this would be a good time to gather up all the wildland fire resources here on the blog into one neat and tidy, little blog post. That way any new wildland fire wives seeking connection and support for this fire life we live will have everything in one spot.

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Get your copy of Streams in the Wasteland!

Streams in the Wasteland and Action Plan Resources Graphic

Hello my friends!

I just want to start this beautiful Monday by saying, “Thank you for being here!

I know that this Streams in the Wasteland talk has been going on and on it seems, and it has kinda taken forever to get here. But we’ve made it, Streams in the Wasteland: 31 Days of Devotions for Finding Hope in Hardship is finally available for downloading!

You’ve been so patient in your waiting that I wanted to take just one more moment here on CWC to give you the full deets on all things Streams in the Wasteland before things get back to normal around here.

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Wife on Fire Challenge {Week 4}: It’s the Grand Finale!

Wife on Fire Challenge Week 4 Feature Image

Wow, I mean, is it just me, or did the past four weeks just fly by? I can’t believe we are here at Week 4 of the Wife on Fire Challenge.

How have you been doing? Are you surprised by the reality of an intentional marriage? Would you claim to be a Wife on Fire by now?

Regardless of whether or not you’ve breezed through the past four weeks or if you’ve struggled to get each week’s task accomplished, you made it. You have reached the final week of the Wife on Fire Challenge. Which, I think, is cause for celebration!

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