Wife on Fire Challenge {Week 3}: Halfway There!

Wife on Fire Challenge Week 3 Feature Image

Woot! Woot! If you started with the Wife on Fire Challenge two weeks ago, you have officially made it to the halfway point!

If you are just reading this post and you’re new to Country Wife Chronicles or you have just missed a few weeks of updates, please check out the first two posts of this series here:

In Week 1, I took some time to explain this idea that I hatched about bonding together to be better wives and encouraging one another in the process. It’s all about choosing intentional marriage and making the effort.

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Wife on Fire Challenge {Week 2}: Be a Wife on Fire

Wife on Fire Challenge Week 2 Feature Image

What does it mean to be a Wife on Fire?

At face value, directly from Google, here’s what you get:

  • A “wife” is defined as a married woman considered in relation to her husband.
  • “On” is defined as physically in contact with or supported by.
  • And “fire” is defined as combustion or burning; a chemical combination with oxygen from the air, typically giving off bright light, heat and smoke.

Ok, that’s good, there’s our English lesson for the day.

But what does that mean in the context of marriage?

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Wife on Fire Challenge {Week 1}: Introducing the Wife on Fire Challenge

Wife on Fire Challenge Week 1 Feature Image

Do me a favor. Stop for a moment and think about the vows you said on your wedding day. Were they traditional vows? Did you write your own vows? Do you remember them?

What did you promise?

Do you still mean it? Do you still practice it? Do you live out these promises in your marriage today?

Let me take it a step further…

…hold up, I know what you are thinking.

“Well, it’s not like my husband lives them out either.”

“This is just how marriage looks after awhile.”

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Strengthening Your Marriage: DIY Marriage Retreat

Strengthening Your Marriage: DIY Marriage Retreat Feature Image

These past few weeks here at Country Wife Chronicles have been all about marriage. Strengthening Your Marriage, specifically.

 Strengthening Your Marriage Series: Five Ways to Reconnect

Strengthening Your Marriage Series: Five More Ways to Reconnect

Today, I’m super excited to be able to share a little resource with you that I’ve created. I’m sharing a template for a DIY Marriage Retreat designed to allow you to get away for a weekend and strengthen your marriage with intentionality.

But first, let me give you an idea as to what exactly a Marriage Retreat is.

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Strengthening Your Marriage: 5 More Ways to Reconnect

Strengthening Your Marriage: 5 More Ways to Reconnect Feature Image

One thing I know for sure. Our marriage is nothing, if not intentional.  Day in and day out, we choose to make it a priority.

Even on the days I really don’t want to.

Even on the days I’d rather just be lazy about it.

Wildland Man and I decided early on in our relationship that marriage would take work and that it would require effort to keep the flame burning bright.

A great marriage is my passion and a blessing beyond measure.

I’m a believer that a marriage in a not-so-great place can be turned around with a single act of kindness by one person. It has to start somewhere, somehow. What is there to lose by trying?

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Strengthening Your Marriage: 5 Ways to Reconnect

Strengthening Your Marriage: 5 Ways to Reconnect Feature Image

The next few weeks here at Country Wife Chronicles are all about marriage. I decided to write a whole series on “Strengthening Your Marriage.”

Not because I’m an expert or anything. Not because I know all there is to know about marriage. Not because Wildland Man and I have endured the deepest of depths in a lifelong marriage.

No, I’m not an expert. Or a counselor. I certainly don’t know it all, because I’m constantly trying to figure it out. Over and over again. Day after day. It is an intentional effort on my part to make this marriage not only work, but be great.

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Living the Fire Life

Living the Fire Life at Country Wife Chronicles

I never would have imagined this life for us…ten years post-college and we are both pursuing our dreams, a little delayed perhaps, but here we are chasing the fire life.

As you may have gathered by now, I refer to my hubby as Wildland Man…not so long ago we were high school teachers working in the same building and same department. Now I’m attempting the blogging thing and Wildland Man is, well, all about wildland fire.  You can read more about our journey here.

This career change has come with some adjustments to what we were used to before, and a few major moves across the country; definitely some sacrifices along the way…but it’s been an adventure, a whole new world of exploration and learning. It is a life worth living and a life that is uniquely ours.

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Who is the Country Wife?

Who is the Country Wife? www.countrywifechronicles.com

Country Wife Chronicles is a blog that documents the journey of a country wife seeking to savor the stillness of a simple country life…but who exactly is the Country Wife?

Ok, that statement sounds a little like “How much wood could a wood chuck chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood?” But I think you get where I’m going here…

So, grab yourself some coffee and peruse the pages of this blog and you’ll find out just who the Country Wife is.

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The Country Wife Recommends…Christian Marriage Resources

the Country Wife Recommends

With Valentine’s Day upon us, I thought it might be a good time to share some of my favorite Christian marriage resources with y’all. Personally, I tend to find myself reevaluating my marriage whenever this romantic holiday comes along; I’ll catch myself daydreaming of the early days and taking stock of just how far we’ve come in our relationship and in life.

So, as you are planning a romantic evening for two or writing out a cute V-Day card to your hubby, take a moment to browse through some of these books and focus a little TLC on your marriage. It’ll be the best Valentine’s Day gift you could give, or receive for that matter!

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5 Ways to be Intentional in your Marriage Today

5 ways to be intentional in your marriage today at Country Wife Chronicles

First of all, let me just say that I do not claim to be a marriage expert. But I do have strong views about how being intentional in marriage can benefit any relationship. Because I’ve lived it…this is how I purposefully construct my marriage with Wildland Man. But I certainly won’t lie to you and tell you that what we have is perfection. Because it is not. But I keep going back to the intentionality in our relationship as one of the major contributing factors to our growing and ever-changing love for one another.

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