Choosing an Intentional Marriage

Choosing an Intentional Marriage at Country Wife Chronicles

I was not raised with an example of a faith-founded marriage. It was something I chose for myself.

I discovered my faith at a fairly young age and my parents didn’t discourage me in my own personal faith walk. I feel blessed that God chose to put it on my heart to trust in Him in finding a spouse and building my marriage on a foundation of faith from such a young age. I guarded my heart, I prayed for a God-chosen spouse, and I waited patiently.

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Drawing Nearer to God in the Stillness {Part 1}

Drawing Nearer to God in the Stillness--Part 1 Feature Image

Every once in awhile, seemingly at random, I begin to feel distanced from God…maybe only slightly, but it’s there. A prayer that feels like it’s left hanging in the atmosphere, never quite reaching the heavens. A rushed-through devotional because I just don’t have the time today to let the message sink in and truly resonate with my soul. A solemn, bummed out feeling that I can’t quite seem to place. A general lack of connection

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