A Season of Rest

A Season of Rest Feature Image

This blog post has been a long time coming. I’ve been bouncing the words around in my head for several weeks now, grappling with how to get my thoughts into readable form.

You may have noticed that I haven’t been around the blog for a while. In fact, I’ve been absent from Country Wife Chronicles for almost a month now.

And while I’ll spare you all the details of exactly how I got here, I will share with you that this was not my original intention for September’s blog posts on CWC. Let me give you a glimpse into my life lately…

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Get your copy of Streams in the Wasteland!

Streams in the Wasteland and Action Plan Resources Graphic

Hello my friends!

I just want to start this beautiful Monday by saying, “Thank you for being here!

I know that this Streams in the Wasteland talk has been going on and on it seems, and it has kinda taken forever to get here. But we’ve made it, Streams in the Wasteland: 31 Days of Devotions for Finding Hope in Hardship is finally available for downloading!

You’ve been so patient in your waiting that I wanted to take just one more moment here on CWC to give you the full deets on all things Streams in the Wasteland before things get back to normal around here.

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Streams in the Wasteland: Overcoming Obstacles

Streams in the Wasteland: Overcoming Obstacles Feature Image

We’ve talked here on CWC about the importance of finding time in your life to just be still. As I’ve been so diligently sharing my first-ever devotional eBook release in Streams in the Wasteland, I thought it might make sense to talk obstacles to devotion time today.

Because life can get hectic. And we all know that spending time with the Lord requires some intentional structuring of your daily life.

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Enjoying the Great Outdoors {Spring Edition}

Enjoying the Great Outdoors {Spring Edition} Feature Image

Whew, these past few weeks here on Country Wife Chronicles have been a bit heavy, haven’t they?

First, there was grappling with my recent endometriosis diagnosis. Then, last week was Infertility Awareness Week, so I decided to put my brave face on and open up about Wildland Man and I’s struggle to have a baby.

This week, it is time for a change of pace.

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Happy Birthday CWC! {Part 5}

Happy Birthday Country Wife Chronicles! Feature Image

Well, we’ve finally come to the conclusion of our first blogiversary series here on CWC. We’ve really done a lot of unpacking over the last few weeks, haven’t we?

We dug deeper into the inspiration behind CWC to find a whole lot of casseroles. Yeah, you’ll have to go back to Part 1 to see for yourself.

We detailed the not-so-scripted launch of this country blog into the world in Part 2.

We explored other bloggers that influenced CWC and lessons learned over the past year in Part 3.

And we recapped favorite posts from year one here on Country Wife Chronicles in Part 4.

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Happy Birthday CWC! {Part 2}

Happy Birthday Country Wife Chronicles! Feature Image

So, last week I gave you a bit of the backstory behind CWC.

Country Wife Chronicles certainly wasn’t conjured up overnight; it was definitely an evolution of ideas to get here.

And today, in Part 2 of the Country Wife Chronicles’ blogiversary series, I’m going to share a little on the details behind the official launch of CWC. Because our launch story is pretty indicative of where CWC will be headed in the future.

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My New Year’s Resolution FAIL

New Years Resolution FAIL Feature Image

Happy New Year! Oh, just a few days late…

So, let’s dive in to today’s topic, shall we? My New Year’s Resolution FAIL.

Yup, you read that right; I somehow managed to fail at my New Year’s resolution just a few days into the New Year. I couldn’t even make it into February like the rest of the world…

And for me, this fail is kinda monumental.

You see, as you should already know by now, I am a planner. Which means I love goals.

And I’m all about intention, which means when I set out to do something, I complete the task.

Oh, and I’m a perfectionist, which means I hate the feeling of failure.

I looked it up, and Google defines resolution as “a firm decision to do or not do something.” So, I guess that means I could revise my resolution to say that I was NOT going to do what I said I was going to do, and then I’d be a success. Or is that cheating?

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A Simple Christmas: Seek Peace

A Simple Christmas Seek Peace Feature Image

It is Christmas morning as this post publishes. I’m certain you are probably reading this after-the-fact. And I totally get it. In fact, I expect it.

What does your Christmas morning typically look like? The kids busting out of bed with excitement way earlier than you expected? A messy post-Christmas morning breakfast kitchen? A plethora of wrapping paper on the living room floor? Recipes to prepare for a family Christmas celebration?

So much for a quiet Christmas morning.

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A Simple Christmas: Spread Joy

A Simple Christmas Spread Joy Feature Image

Are there any other fans of the Hallmark Channel during this time of the year? I’m not even joking, I could watch the holiday movie extravaganza that is the Hallmark Channel all day long.

It’s actually a good thing we don’t even get the Hallmark Channel because I would not be very productive. Like at all. Instead, I make myself earn a movie break during the holidays and watch online about once a week. I may have a problem, y’all.

I know that not everyone shares my affinity for all things Christmas during this time of the year.

Can you believe there are people that get sick and tired of Christmas music? I can’t even fathom. Though, I’ve been told this is because I’ve never worked in retail.

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A Simple Christmas: Experience Love

A Simple Christmas Experience Love Feature Image

In the quiet mornings of the Christmas season I often find myself sitting with a hot cup of coffee by the light of our Christmas tree watching the flames of a fireplace flicker.

Ok, full disclosure…so while the picture I’m painting you with my words is all truth, I feel the need to share with you that, said fireplace is actually a DVD. But, if you put a little space heater in front of the T.V. you can fool anyone. 😉

Regardless, the point I’m trying to make is that, for me, Christmas often brings with it a time for introspection. The year is drawing nearer to its end, the stirrings of my faith are awakened with the meaning of Christmas, and the quiet solitude amidst the hustle and bustle of the holidays allows me a few moments of reflection.

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