A Simple Christmas: Give Hope

A Simple Christmas Give Hope Feature Image

I’m a terrible multi-tasker. I used to think of myself as skilled in this area. I no longer consider multi-tasking a strength of mine. I’ve even justified my poor abilities with the idea that multi-tasking is over-rated anyway.

Honestly though, when I get emotionally overwhelmed or just have way too many things on my plate at the moment I tend to get one-track minded. Even hyper-focused. So much so that all other things fall by the wayside. Even the basics like eating and drinking water.

Am I crazy?

Well, probably a little. This is who I am. Who I sometimes struggle with.

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10 Easy Tips to Simplify Your Life Today {Part 2}

10 Easy Tips to Simplify Your Life Today {Part 2} Feature Image

The older I get the more I think I may be transitioning into becoming a minimalist. I feel like I’ve always had a love for simplicity and stillness, but today, in my mid-thirties, I feel like I am truly living it. Simplicity with intentionality.

There is a balance that comes when you are able to slow down and simplify your life. There is a freeing sense of contentment and joy that lies in just being still and knowing that God will take care of everything. I have experienced this joy. And, so I am sharing these tips with you today in hopes that you may experience that same joy in your life as well.

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10 Easy Tips to Simplify Your Life Today {Part 1}

10 Easy Tips to Simplify Your Life Today {Part 1} Feature Image

I know, I know, most of you are so busy right now, what with a new school year underway and all. The last thing you are thinking about is simplification of your life. Slowing down? That’s what summer was for.

But I have to disagree. If you are seeking a simpler way of living, a more relaxing way of life, then that is something you want year-round. And there is no better time to start that lifestyle shift than the present.

But, I get it. A major lifestyle shift is big. Profound even. And it won’t happen in a day, but starting with something small…that can happen today.

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Becoming a Bit More Self-Sufficient {Part 2}

Becoming a Bit More Self-Sufficient {Part 2} Feature Image

Have you ever thought about what era you would have enjoyed living in had you not been born when you were?

Am I alone in this pondering?

Gosh, I hope not. That would just be weird.

Well, I’ve always pictured myself in the days of the pioneer. Maybe it was the joys of playing The Oregon Trail in my childhood, but I could always picture myself as a prairie wife. You know, a real Sarah, Plain & Tall in a Little House on the Prairie setting.

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